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Before going to do JAVA programs, go through  Introduction to JAVA 

  1. Welcome Program-Consol Application
  2. Welcome Program-Window Application
Hereafter , I will just write the programs and output only , you have to familier with the java platform thoroughly .
So refer the above given programs, before going to do any JAVA program.

And for theory part , refer "Some Theory Part in JAVA"

(A) From Other Source  
  1. Sum(predefined values)
  2. Sum(user defined values)
  3. Four Calculations-Integer no
  4. Four Calculations-Floating no
  5. Check whether eligible for vote
  6. Print Day according to number
  7. Odd or Even checking
  8. Print a message 5 times-While loop
  9. Print a message 5 times-Do While loop
  10. Print a message 5 times-For loop
  11. Reverse a number
  12. Sum of the digit of a number
  13. Numbers divisible by 7, and its sum(1)
  14. Numbers divisible by 7, and its sum(2)
  15. Program to print a pattern
  16. Store n numbers into an Array and print it 
  17. Sorting array numbers in ascending order
  18. Matrix addition
  19. Program to enter Student Details
  20. Check user name and password
  21. Run-time error in Java
  22. Enter student details using 2 functions
  23. Addition using constructors

  •   (C)From Text 
  1. Accept Radius in meter

  • ================================================================
  • (B)From Previous Question Papers
