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Monday, December 30, 2013

Designing a simple wordpress site - Plugins

Open the web site we created ( explained in Introduction to Wordpress ) , and login to get access to the Admin area.
Step - 1 : Refer Designing a simple wordpress site -Theme
Step - 2 : Refer Designing a simple wordpress site - Pages

STEP - 3

Picture - 1

Go to the Admin page (Dash board) .
See the Admin options in the left side.

Now we are going to add Plugins .
Contact form is an Example of Plugin.We are going to add a contact form in the page "Contact us".

  • Select  Plugins --> Add new (Click Add New from the window)

Then we can see  ,

Search "Contact Form" .
Then we can see a number of plugins of "Contact Form" .

Select one Plugin from the list , and click "Details" .

It will show the version and ratings of the Plugins.(If the plugin is not support with your current wordpress version , it has to be avoided. Or , we can see a message sometimes as
"Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress." Avoid such plugins.

If everything is ok , select one contact form from the list and Click "Install Now" as given in the above picture.When we click "Install" , we can see;

Click "Activate Plugin ".After activating , we can see a new menu option "Contact Form" in the left side as shown below :

Or ,  select Plugins --> Installed plugins . Then we can see that ;

Click "Settings" , then , we can see

Copy the short form of the code as given in the above figure .
Now select our page "Contact us" , as explained before , select the "Text" mode and paste the code there.

Now click "Update" , and return to the site .Refresh it , then we can see,below the Google map , a contact form also added as given below :

Refer Designing a simple wordpress site - Widget also, because we are installing some more plugins there , in order to get some additional widgets.
Next , we are going to Create/ Edit comment forms .
Click NEXT to understand about "Comment option" in a wordpress page.
Back to wordpress

Designing a simple wordpress site - Pages

Open the web site we created ( explained in Introduction to Wordpress ) , and login to get access to the Admin area.
Step - 1 : Refer Designing a simple wordpress site -Theme

STEP - 2 (A)

Now we are going to create pages for our web site.

The web site created is look like this.

Go to the Admin page (Dash board) .

Picture - 1

See the Admin options in the left side.
Now we are going to add pages this site.
To do so , select Pages --> add new .
Then another page will displayed , give title and content in the respective fields.
Note that , there are 2 options like Visual & Text in the right side of the box , if we choose Text , we can add HTML code there . 
We are going to create an About us page here . 

See the picture below :

Click Publish to publish the page .

You can see an option Add Media below the About us title , click that .
Select a picture to insert .
Click update .

Picture - 2 

Note the picture added.
Move the cursor on the picture , then we can see a popup message Edit Image , and by clicking that , it will lead to the edit page.

Note the Link URL , if we copy that link URL and paste it in the browser , we can see that picture .It shows the location (Path) of the picture .
(We need this Link URL in some other place, in the coming sessions).
Close the box and return to the pages.

There is another option in Settings --> Permalink  .
See picture-2 and the permalink url of the page .
(Detailed description of this option will follow in coming sessions).

STEP - 2 (B)

We are going to create another page named "Contact us " using Google map .

  • Click here to view Google map home page .
  • Select your location from the map .
  • Then click the "Link" icon ,and a popup window opens.
  • From that , click "Customize and preview embedded map"
  • Another window will open then , and you can resize the map , and below that you can see a message "Copy and paste this HTML to embed in your website " . copy that HTML code .
Next come to the Dashboard.

Click pages --> New page and name the page as "Contact us". (Refer Designing page).

And paste the HTML code in the Admin panel of the page "About us" .
Note that , select "Text" while pasting the HTML code in the page.
(There are 2 types of views for a page .They are "Visual" & "Text" )
If we want to type anything , dont forget to select the "Visual" again .

See the figure below :

This is the "Visula " view of the page in the admin panel.
Select the "Text" mode from the right side , as seen in the above picture, we get ,

Note the width and height of the google map in the code.
We can resize it as per our requirements.
But when we resize the site window , the google map does not resize itself , as per the width.
To resize the width of the map with respect to the page , give  width = 100% .

Now , go back to the web site and refresh the page.The page is look like ;

Note that , while typing the address, I selected the "Visual" mode of the page , and while pasting the HTML code of the Google map , I selected the "Text" mode. In some cases , Instead of "Text" , we can see "HTML" itself.

I explained the steps to create 2 pages (About us & Contact us)
You can create any number of pages in your web site.

STEP - 2 (C)

To delete any unwanted page 

To delete any unwanted page , select that page , and click "Trash" , and click "update" .

STEP - 2 (D)

Rearrange all the pages we created 

We created a number of pages , and the order of the pages that are appeared in the web site may be some thing like that .

In order to rearrange the pages in a particular order ,
Select Appearance --> Menus (This section comes in "MENU" . So , click here , to know about that .

STEP - 2 (E)

Making changes in the HOME page

We created a number of pages , and the HOME page among them , should be more attractive .
So in this section , I am givings one more ideas to design the HOME page .

At first , have a look at the HOME page design from your site.

We are going to re-design this HOME page .
From the admin panel , take Appearance --> Theme Option .
(Appearance --> Theme is used to Install themes . Click here to refer)

Then we will be re-directed into another page , as shown :

There is an arrown on the right side of each options , expanding which will give the sub-options .

And give Headline , sub Headline ,Content area etc , as shown :

The balance options ,

Call to Action means , when we click this , specify , in which page you want to go.I specify the link of "About us" page.
And Call to Action (Text) is MORE .
Now we have to input the "Featured Content" option.Click the "Add Media" browse the file (Image) , we can see the "Attachment Details" in the right side , copy the code of the image , and below the box of "Featured Content" , paste the code like this :

Write   <img src = " " />  
In between the inverted comma , paste the code as shown in the above picture).

Click "Save Options" .

Now refresh the HOME page , and the result will be ;

In the HOME page , there are some widget part also. 

Click here to know about changing / Adding Widget .

Next , we are going to create Plugins .
Click NEXT to view how to add Plugins .
Back to wordpress

Designing a simple wordpress site -Theme

Open the web site we created ( explained in Introduction to Wordpress ) , and login to get access to the Admin area.
After login , you will be directed into

Picture - 1

See the Admin options in the left side.
Now we are going to design this site.

STEP - 1

First , we are going to Install a good theme for our web site .
To do this , go to Appearance --> Themes --> Add new (From picture - 1) .

When we click ADD new , then it will directed into another page , in which we can search Themes.

I searched the Theme  responsive  , and , the search results are displayed like this;

(If we just Search the items with out typing a keyword , it will displays all the available themes one by one).

Click Install Now to install the Theme for our web site.

Click Activate .

(Note the version of the Theme.
If versions of the Theme , Wordpress and Plugin etc does not support each other , there must be some error in the page).

Again , select Visit Site to view the new site design .
The new design of the site is ,

Note the address of the site as http://localhost/wordpress-new/ because we are hosting the site in Localhost only.
We can go to the Admin panel ,in 2 ways

  1. Type wp-admin , followed by the site address .That is , http://localhost/wordpress-new/wp-admin/
  2. By selecting the Dashboard from the site (Top right side as shown below )

Next , we are going to create pages.
Click NEXT to view how to create page.
Back to wordpress