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Saturday, September 17, 2011

C-44 : Check your Progress -1

Refer Sum of 1 to 100 numbers

1 : State the output of the below given programs :

void main()
            int j=5;
            for (printf("Will this loop be entered\n");j<2;j=1)
            printf("Print this,if the loop is entered...");
            printf("Was the loop entered\n");

Answer :
Will this loop be entered
Was the loop entered

void main()
            int j=5;
            for (printf("Will this loop be entered\n");j<6;j=7)
            printf("Print this,if the loop is entered...j=%d\n",j);
            printf("Is the Boolean j 6 still true?\n%s",j<6?"Yes,":"No,");
            printf("Because j is now %d\n",j);

Answer :
Will this loop be entered
Print this,if the loop is entered...j=5
Is the Boolean j 6 still true?
No,Because j is now 7

void main()
            int j;
              printf("The for(;;)loop is really quite easy to use.\n");
              printf("I\'ve said this %s.\n",j==0?"once":"twice");
            printf("What I say %d times must be true!\n",j);

Answer :
The for(;;)loop is really quite easy to use.
\'ve said this once
The for(;;)loop is really quite easy to use.
\'ve said this twice
What I say 2 times must be true!
2 : Replace the for(;;) statement in the program 1(a) above by :

for (i=1;sum=0;i<101;i++)
Realize that the comma operator can be used with the expressions controlling a for(;;) statement. That in fact is its most common usage.

Observe that the value of the loop index is retained on exit from the loop.

3 : In Program 1(c) above, can the && operator be replaced by the || operator ?
Can it be replaced by the comma operator ?
Are the parentheses around sum+=i++ required ?

4 :

(Will continue...)

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C-43 : Sum of 1 to 100 numbers

Refer  Find Sum , Sum of n even numbers using user defined fun... 

1st Method :

void main()
            int i,sum=0;
            printf("The sum of the numbers from 1 to %d is %d\n",i-1,sum);

2nd Method :

void main()
            int i,sum=0;
            printf("The sum of the numbers from 1 to %d is %d\n",i-1,sum);

3rd Method :

void main()
            int i,sum=0;
            for(i=1;i<101 && (sum+=i++);)
            printf("The sum of the numbers from 1 to %d is %d\n",i-1,sum);

Output : 

The sum of the numbers from 1 to 100 is 5050
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